Parameter names ( reference variables) should have unique names. 参数名(引用变量)应该使用唯一的名称。
A parameter entity reference is not allowed in internal markup. 内部标记中不允许使用参数实体引用。
The parameter can be passed by reference or by value, and can have any name you choose. 参数能通过参考量或是值传递,并能使用你选择的名字。
When measurement uncertainty is used as a technical parameter of reference material and single parameter of measurment or verifying instruments, the authors have shared their own understandings. 当测量不确定度作为标准物质、单一参数的计量仪器和检定装置的技术参数时,应如何理解,作者提出了自己的看法。
Click the link for an agent to view its parameter reference. 单击代理链接可查看其参数引用。
This parameter provides a reference for the plasma concentration expected for a given dose and for the dose required to produce a given concentration. 该参数可以为预期一次剂量后的血浆浓度以及预计达到某个血药浓度所需要的剂量提供参考。
Note: The table parameter selection of reference only, subject to the actual design. 注:表格参数仅供选型参考,以实际设计为准。
This article provides one kind for everybody to use the CAXA entity design software to draw up the propeller fast the method, the concrete parameter only supplies the reference. 本文为大家提供一种使用CAXA实体设计软件快速绘制螺旋桨的方法,具体参数仅供参考。
The research result shows that SPBF can be applied to the surface finishing of crank parts, and provides a parameter reference for application of this technology. 研究表明,主轴行星式滚磨加工方法可以完成对曲轴类零件的光整加工,同时为此种加工方法的实际应用提供了参数依。
It is again typically possible to draw finite sample inferences about any parameter of interest by reference ti its marginal posterior density. 由参考钛画关于所有参量的有限样品推断利益它少量的后部密度再是典型地可能的。
A distortion parameter tolerance research to reference object in OPR 光学模式识别中参考目标畸变参数宽容度研究
The optimum modulation parameter of the reference beam was founded in order to farthest eliminate the influence of the "background" and dispersion noise. 在一个参考光调制周期CCD光探测器每1/4周期记录一帧共四帧干涉图像.以最大限度剔除各种背景和散射噪声为目标获得了最优的参考光信号调制参数。
It has forward in regarding the parameter of element as reference element and compares law with parameter to carry out static interference detection while designing and carries out interference detection for element when it is fictitious to assemble. 提出了将零件的尺寸参数作为参考元素,采用参数对比法在参数设计的同时进行静态干涉检测,在虚拟装配的同时进行整体干涉检测。
Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Parameter Library and Reference Input Parameter Library of IAEA 中国评价核参数库和IAEA之推荐输入参数库
Conclusion Urine sediment parameter has an important reference value in diagnosis and treatment of disease in patients. 结论确定尿沉渣参数正常参考值对病人的疾病诊断、治疗以及疗效观察有一定的临床价值。
This paper extends the concept of general parameter filter given in reference [ 2], and arrives at the general frequency characteristic approximation theory of reactance two-port networks in the case of arbitrary generator and load impedances ( Non-Foster positive-real functions). 本文延伸文献[2]关于通用参数滤波的概念,得出有关电抗二端对网络在两侧都端接阻抗(非Foster正实函数形式)情况下的频率特性逼近的一般性理论。
The parameter will provide the reference basis for the mine to use the spray irrigation. 为堆浸矿山采用雾化布液提供参考依据。
The actual water vapor pressure e_a is an important parameter to determine reference crop evapotranspiration ET_0 by Penman-Monteith formula. 实际水汽压ea是Penman-Monteith公式中计算参考作物蒸发蒸腾量的重要过程参数。
A New Camera Parameter Calibration Technology Using Reference Image Plane Method 基于参考像面法的CCD摄像机标定新技术
The pressure strain correlation is simulated based on the analytic solution from the rapid distortion theory by Lee. The effects of the mean flow distortion history are included in the model by introducing a parameter of the reference total strain. 模型中压力应变项是基于Lee由快速畸变理论导出的解析解,通过引入参考总应变而包含了平均流变化的历史效应。
The paper points out the design index, sets up mathematical model and optimizes the relevant parameter with reference to the feature of the ranging mechanism. 本文针对调高机构的特点,提出设计指标,建立数学模型,优选有关参数。
An effectual method has been obtained through analyzing the other one important parameter ( operation reference voltage) that affects the capacitor under-voltage protection operation in under-voltage bound model on reference [ 1]. 该文在以前研究的基础上,对欠压约束模型中影响电力电容器欠压保护动作电压的另一个重要参数动作参考比较电压进行了理论分析,为问题的解决提供了新的有效途径。
Provide the required characteristic parameter and reference for the coupled thermal analysis and design of the thermal reliability of the whole high-speed aircraft with complicated bodies and the research of infrared target characteristic. 通过研究,对复杂形体高速飞行器的气动对流换热特性形成了较深入的认识,为复杂形体高速飞行器整体耦合热分析、热可靠性设计及红外目标特性研究提供了必需的特性参数与计算依据。
On the basis of the structure and operational parameter of reference engine, a turbocharged engine simulation model was made in GT-POWER. 本文以参考样机的结构和运行参数为基础,建立了发动机工作过程GT-POWER仿真模型。
Based on the design of a friendly interface, easy operation parameters generated water cleaning PCBA software, effectively solved by technology personnel experience leads to cleaning parameter selection of problems for aerospace water cleaning, provides the reasonable parameter, convenient reference. 本文通过设计出界面友好、操作方便的PCBA水清洗参数生成软件,有效解决了因工艺技术人员经验不足导致清洗参数选择不当的问题,为航天水清洗参数的确定提供了合理、便捷的参考。
Furthermore, the simulation can reappear urban local traffic flow phenomena and multiple simulation operations can provide us control parameter optimization and reference for decision of traffic organization. 而且通过仿真的方法,可以实时再现城市局部的交通流现象,通过多次仿真运行优化其控制参数,为交通组织管理提供决策依据。
In order to network planning system has parameter selection and skill reference of network frequency allocation, network frequency planning library and storage of related content were set. 建立了网络频率规划库以及规划库中存贮的相关内容,为频率分配做好准备,网络规划系统要求能够提供丰富的网络频率分配技术参考及参数选择。
Its physics signification is that geometric parameter varies with reference time proportionately. 其物理意义是几何参数相对于参考时间成比例变化。
The paper describes the concept of abnormal behavior detection, and the computing method of each parameter in video monitor reference amount to explore the relationship of abnormal behavior detection and classification techniques. 文中还阐述了异常行为检测的相关概念,并且介绍了视频监控参考量中各个参数的计算方法,探讨了异常行为检测与分类技术的关系。